About "Our" Rogers Lake
Did you know - the Minnesota Department shows FIVE lakes in Minnesota named Rogers Lake?
Our lake is listed at 227 acres, with the overall condition "suitable for swimming and wading, with good clarity and low algae levels throughout the open water season." The lake has a maximum depth of 64 feet.
Our fish population is shown as: black bullhead, black crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, northern pike, pumpkinseed, rock bass, sunfish, walleye, yellow bullhead, yellow perch, bowfin (dogfish). Let us know if you think that is correct!
This and more information can be found at:
Boating on Rogers Lake
Did you know - that Minnesota is in the top 10 of U.S. states for boat ownership?
Boating on our lake is a favorite activity for many during our too-short summer. Keep safe on the lake and considerate of your neighbors by keeping in mind the top 5 boating safety tips, according to the DNR:
Wear a life jacket - children under 10 are required to wear one while boating and there should be one for every person over 10 readily accessible.
Stay sober - alcohol is the #1 factor in boating fatalities.
Tell a friend - let someone know where you'll be (although on our small lake they can see you!)
Be weather aware - storms that look far off can roll in quickly!
"Get a clue" - be aware of your boat and surroundings at all time.
More information can be found at: